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Important Notice : Lawyerintl.com strongly recommends that you seek independent legal advice from a qualified lawyer before using any of the forms on this site, in order that you can verify the forms are suitable for your needs.

Risk Of Loss To Be Divided Between Seller And Buyer-B


Risk of loss as to the goods covered by this sales agreement shall be borne by both seller and buyer from the date the goods are identified to the sales agreement by seller until the date the goods are [received or inspected and accepted] by buyer to the extent that either party is insured against such risk.

In the event the combined insurance coverage exceeds the loss, the risk shall be shared in proportion to the respective insurance coverage of seller and buyer.

In the event that the combined insurance coverage fails to entirely cover the loss, the risk of loss shall be borne as follows: [Description of loss].

On [receipt or inspection and acceptance] of the goods by buyer, the risk of loss shall be solely that of buyer.

This is a UCC form. It is intended
to be an addendum to other forms.